Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project Idea - Updated Bus Timing to Mobile Devices

Today most of the mobile phones are in GPRS / 3G / 3.5G networks. And whole world is suffering from trafic problems.
Customers are refusing to use public transport system because of no proper information about bus arrival or reaching times.

Using CATAMARAN we can make solution which can connect to public transport fleet managment system get updated timing for requested bus stand code.

Monday, March 29, 2010

SAP MM Transactions

Reference on SAP MM Transactions. We are making these transactions Mobility enabled for warehouse usage.
Visit Shipcom Wireless Inc. for device application.

IH09 - Display Material
MM01 - Create Material
MM02 - Change Material
MM03 - Display Material
MM50 - List Extendable Materials
MMBE - Stock Overview
MMI1 - Create Operating Supplies
MMN1 - Create Non-Stock Material
MMS1 - Create Service
MMU1 - Create Non-Valuated Material
ME51N - Create Purchase Requisition
ME52N - Change Purchase Requisition
ME53N - Display Purchase Requisition
ME5A - Purchase Requisitions: List Display
ME5J - Purchase Requisitions for Project
ME5K - Requisitions by Account Assignment
MELB - Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.
ME56 - Assign Source to Purch. Requisition
ME57 - Assign and Process Requisitions
ME58 - Ordering: Assigned Requisitions
ME59 - Automatic Generation of POs
ME54 - Release Purchase Requisition
ME55 - Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.
ME5F - Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition
MB21 - Create Reservation
MB22 - Change Reservation
MB23 - Display Reservation
MB24 - Reservations by Material
MB25 - Reservations by Account Assignment
MB1C - Other Goods Receipts
MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents
MB21 - Create Reservation
MB22 - Change Reservation
MB23 - Display Reservation
MB24 - Reservations by Material
MB25 - Reservations by Account Assignment
MBRL - Return Delivery per Mat. Document
MB1C - Other Goods Receipts
MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents
MB1B - Transfer Posting
MIBC - ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting
MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document
MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock
MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document
MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock
MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document
MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock
MI21 - Print physical inventory document
MI04 - Enter Inventory Count with Document
MI05 - Change Inventory Count
MI06 - Display Inventory Count
MI09 - Enter Inventory Count w/o Document
MI34 - Batch Input: Enter Count
MI35 - Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance
MI38 - Batch Input: Count and Differences
MI39 - Batch Input: Document and Count
MI40 - Batch Input: Doc., Count and Diff.
MI08 - Create List of Differences with Doc.
MI10 - Create List of Differences w/o Doc.
MI20 - Print List of Differences
MI11 - Physical Inventory Document Recount
MI07 - Process List of Differences
MI37 - Batch Input: Post Differences
CT01 - Create Characteristic
CT02 - Change Characteristic
CT03 - Display Characteristic
CL01 - Create Class
CL02 - Classes
CL03 - Display Class
CL04 - Delete Class
CL2B - Class Types

Sunday, March 28, 2010

White Paper - Smart Cards


This white paper is to explain Smart Card, which is a popular automatic identification technology with the applications on smart card.

Smart cards will become as important as computer in recent years. Smart cards are computer without input and output devices.

Today smart cards are using in all industries
- Identification
- Financial / Banking
- Health Care
- Transportation
- Telecommunication
- Etc.

Brief History
Current smart card has evolved in the early 1950s, when Diner’s club produced the first all plastic card to be used for payment applications. Then VISA and MasterCard entered the market.
In 1968, German inventors Jürgen Dethloff and Helmut Grötrupp applied for the first ICC-related patents. Similar applications followed in Japan in 1970 and in France in 1974. In 1984, the French Postal and Telecommunications services (PTT) successfully carried out a field trial with telephone cards. By 1986, many millions of French telephone smart cards were in circulation. Their number reached nearly 60 million in 1990, and 150 million were projected for 1996.
Smart Card Standards
ISO 7816
The details about smart card standard are described in ISO Standard 7816.
Part 1: Physical Characteristics
Part 2: Dimensions & Locations of contacts
Part 3: Electronic signals & Transmission protocol
Part 4: Inter-industry command for interchange
Part 5: Numbering system & registration procedure for application identifiers
Part 6: Inter-industry Data Elements
Part 7: Inter-industry structured card SQL
Part 8: Security related security commands
ISO/IEC 14443
RFID cards; contact-less proximity cards operating at 13.56 MHz in up to 5 inches distance.

Part 1: Physical Characteristics
Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface
Part 3: Initialization and anticollision
Part 4: Transmission protocol
EMV® is a global standard for credit and debit payment cards based on chip card technology.
Builds upon existing industry smart card standards - ISO7816 and EMV - and complements them by defining low-level device interfaces and device-independent application APIs as well as resource management, to allow multiple applications to share smart card devices attached to a system.
Global System for Mobile Telecommunications standard.

Smart Card Operating Systems

Smart Card as mentioned is a mini computer without input & output devices. Two primary types of operating systems
Ø Fixed File Structure
File and permissions are set in advance by issuer
Ø Dynamic Application System
This type of operating system, which includes the MULTOS and JAVA card varieties, enables developers to build, test, and deploy different applications securely.

Communication Protocols

A smart card and the reader communicate via means of small data packets called APDUs (Application Protocol Data Units).

Character-level transmission protocol, defined in ISO/IEC 7816-3
Block-level transmission protocol, defined in ISO/IEC 7816-3
ISO/IEC 14443
APDU transmission via contactless interface, defined in ISO/IEC 14443-4


Four aspects on security

The security on communication of data transfer between card and outside world is done via encryptions.
The most common encryption methods are symmetric DES (Data Encryption Standard), 3DES (triple DES) and public key RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman’s algorithm), allowing up 56, 168 and 1024 bit long keys, respectively.

Hardware level security is made by providing enhanced set of security mechanisms and firmware functions allow the application to detect and respond appropriately to the occurrence of conditions that might indicate an attack.

OS Security
Smart Card has file system which will allow bringing security in OS level. The attributes (access rights) allow five basic levels of access on to file in smart card.

Following are the access rights
1. Always (ALW)
2. Card Holder Verification 1(CHV1)
3. Card Holder Verification 2 (CHV2)
4. Administrative (ADM)
5. Never (NEV)

The PINs
The PINs are stored in separate elementary files, EFchv1 and EFchv2.The OS blocks the card after a wrong PIN is entered several consecutive times.

Smart Card Applications

Computer Security

The Mozilla Firefox web browser can use smart cards to store certificates for use in secure web browsing.

Smart cards are used for single sign-on to log on to computers.

Smart cards support functionality has been added to Windows Live Passports


Financial applications include
- Banking
- Customer Loyalty Cards
- Electronic wallets
- Campus Cards
- Etc.

Health Care

Smart cards in health care allow keeping patient information with privacy. Smart cards provide secure carrier for medical reports, easy access to medical information, enable compliance with government initiatives and mandates, and provide the platform to implement other applications as needed by the health care organization.


Smart cards are extensively used in telecommunication industry. Smart cards are used in two primary telecommunications applications – as prepaid (stored value memory cards) telephone cards and as the microprocessor smart card-based Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) in mobile phones.

Smart card technology is currently recognized as the most appropriate technology for identity applications that must meet critical security requirements, including:
Authenticating the bearer of an identity credential when used in conjunction with personal identification numbers (PINs) or biometric technologies
Protecting privacy
Increasing the security of an identity credential
Implementing identity management controls

Smart cards are used worldwide in transportation applications, with millions of smart cards in use for both transit fare payment and parking fee payment.

SAP Movement Types

In SAP, the type of movement performed on the goods are idenfied by means of 3 digits number which is called as Movement Types. Any movement performed in SAP can be reversed back by means of other movement, which is called as reversal movement type.
Reversal Movement Type is Movement Type + 1 (For example for receiving goods against purchase order 101 is the movement type and 102 is the reversal for this movement)

Standard Movement Types
101 Goods receipt for purchase order or order
103 Goods receipt for purchase order into GR blocked stock
105 Release from GR blocked stock for purchase order
122 Return delivery to supplier or to production
123 Reversal of return delivery
124 Return delivery to vendor from GR blocked stock
125 Return delivery from GR blocked stock - reversal
131 Goods receipt for run schedule header
161 Return for purchase order
201 Goods issue for a cost center
221 Goods issue for a project
231 Goods issue for a customer order (without Shipping)
241 Goods issue for an asset
251 Goods issue for sales (without customer order)
261 Goods issue for an order
281 Goods issue for a network
291 Goods issue for any arbitrary account assignment
301 Transfer posting plant to plant in one step
303 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - removal from storage
305 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - placement in storage
309 Transfer posting material to material
311 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in one step
321 Transfer posting stock in quality inspection - unrestricted-use stock
323 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - stock in quality inspection
325 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stock
351 Goods issue for a stock transport order (without Shipping)
411 Transfer posting of special stocks E, K, and Q to company's own stock
413 Transfer posting to sales order
501 Goods receipt without purchase order - unrestricted-use stock
541 Transfer posting unrestricted-use stock - stock of material provided to vendor
551 Scrapping from unrestricted-use stock
555 Scrapping from blocked stock
601 Goods issue for delivery (SD)
641 Goods issue for a stock transport order (SD)
655 Returns from customer (SD) to stock in quality inspection

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Automotive Job Card - Mobility Solution

World is towards mobility to enhance ERP to edge.

This post is to introduce the Automotive Job Card, which can be used by

  • Car Servicing Companies
  • Car Rental
  • Etc.

This application will work on Windows Mobile Devices and can be customized to any back end systems.

  • Remove the usage of Paper - Take printout to mobile printer and give the customer copy
  • Retreive the job card when vehicle returned or issuing
  • Reporting will be easy
  • Mark electronically


Comment if you need more details..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Group SMS - BlackBerry

Group SMS application for BlackBerry allows the BlackBerry mobile users to send personalized SMS to the contacts who all are linked to the category in the address book.

- Address Book of BlackBerry is used to keep the contacts
- Send group SMS to contacts in category

Comment, if you need to get more details.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Jail-breaking iPhone OS

Jail-breaking is a process that allows iPhone and iPod Touch users to run any code on their devices, as opposed to only that code authorized by Apple.

Once jailbroken, iPhone users are able to download many applications previously unavailable through the App Store via unofficial installers such as Cydia; Icy; and Installous, as well as illegal pirated apps. A jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch is still able to use and update apps downloaded and purchased from Apple's official App Store.

Jailbreaking is distinct from SIM unlocking, which, once completed, means that the mobile phone will accept any SIM without restriction on, for example, the country or network operator of origin. Jail-breaking, according to Apple, voids Apple's warranty on the device, although this is quickly remedied by restoring the device in iTunes.

iPhone Development - Basic Points

You need following before starting development for iphones

1. Mac OS X System
2. Need XCode 10 with iPhone SDK
3. Need Apple Developer Lic
4. To test application need iPhone / iPod
5. Programming Language is Objective-C


Smart Card - Basics

What is a smart Card?

A credit card size plastic with a single IC chip on board and conforms with ISO-7816

Components of a smart card
1. Contact disc
2. Chip
3. Plastic body with cavity

Contact Disc
- 6 or 8 contacts
- square or oval shape
- can have different patterns defining the contacts
- contact postion complies with ISO-7816-2

Smart Card / IC Card Family
- Contact Memory Card
* Siemens, Atmel, Xicor

- Contact CPU Card
* GSM SIM, Visa Smart Debit / Credit

- Contactless Memory Card
* Philips / Siemens

Smart Card can be categorized by technology
- Contact
- Contactless
- Dual Interace

Memory Cards
Free Access - SLE 4432, SLE 4418
Count Down - SLE 4466
Secured Memory - SLE 4440, SLE 4428, etc.

- Memory
* Siemens
* Atmel
* Xicor
* Philips

* Atmel
* Siemens
* Philips

Plastic Body
Mainly two types of plastic card
- ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
- PVC (Polyvinyl chloride)

Smart Card Standard ISO 7816
Part 1 - Physical Characteristics
Part 2 - Dimensions & Locations of contacts
Part 3 - Electronic signals & Transmission protocol
Part 4 - Inter-industry command for interchange
Part 5 - Numbering System & Registration procedure for Application Identifiers
Part 6 - Inter-industry Data Elements
Part 7 - Inter-industry structured card SQL
Part 8 - Security related security commands

Smart Card Applications
- Telecommunication prepaid card
- Mobile Communication - GSM
- Banking
- Retail Applications - Loyalty Card / Gift Voucher / Prepaid Card
- Healthcare

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Warehouse Data Collection - SAP

SHIPCOM WIRELESS INC. developed Windows CE based application for data capture in warehouse which is tightly integrated with SAP.

All the Inventory Management movements (101, 102, 103, ... 201, 262, 281,... 321, 301, 302, ..) are defined in the warehouse data collection application.

Application is developed using CATAMARAN middleware which is communicating with device and SAP.

More details email

Shipcom - Developed Van Sales Automation

Van Sales Automation / Route Accounting System - enables the route sales men to perform field activities during their sales tour.

The application is developed and implemented for one of the FMCG company in Dubai, UAE.

Van Sales Automation application is tightly integrated with Oracle E-Business Suite.

Whole application is developed in CATAMARAN platform (Shipcom's platform) with Web Application communicating with Catamaran Business Layer and Windows Mobile Clients communicating with Catamaran Mobility Layer.

More details mail

BlackBerry - Sending Personalized SMS

I developed an application for BlackBerry using which can send group SMS for selected category of contacts.

In the Address book of BlackBerry keep your contacts grouped using category.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Real Time Location Systems (RTLS)

Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) technologies allows to track, identify, locate etc.. any object. This technologies are now used in Hospitals (to locate doctors, nurses, equipments, patients etc.), factories, car rentals etc.

There are different types of RTLS technologies. All these technologies uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) as the basic automatic identification technology.

Some of the links of RTLS hardware
1. Awarepoint
2. Ekahau [Wi-Fi Based]
3. Axcess

For solutions using RTLS - Shipcom Wireless INC.

Enterprise Mobility & Automatic Identification

This blog speaks about technologies and solutions related to enterprise mobility and automatic identification.

What is Enterprise Mobility?

To bring enterprise applications - ERP/WMS/S&D/CRM etc into EDGE devices or Mobility devices. Enterprise Mobility speak about bringing enterprise applications into mobility devices.

Mobility devices - The devices which are on move or which can be used while users are on MOVE.

Automatic Identification

The technologies which identifies any object - Barcode, RFID, Magnetic Strips, Smart Cards, NFC etc.

Coming topics will speak about the these technologies, solutions on these technologies and development help on these technologies.